Sunday, June 23, 2013

This is a blog that I am creating to document our Adoption Journey.  We have decided its time for another baby.  Jacob wants a cat.   So are at the stage to pick an adoption agency.  Domestic Infant Adoption!   Sounds fabulous and exhausting, and AWESOME all at the same time.  So again, we are fundraising to pay for the home study part of this journey.   I've met some great adoption friends already and they have shared some really cool fundraising ideas.
I don't want you guys to think I'm going to suck your bank accounts dry.  If you can't donate in one form or another, please just PRAY for us.  We take monetary donations and/or prayers....we'll love you the same either way.

I'll try to keep this updated along the way with info and pictures.

1 comment:

  1. Heather,

    Our thoughts and prayers are with you. We look forward to welcoming another precious little one to our family. What a wonderful family they have to join. Give Jacob some slobbery kisses for me. I wish adoption was as easy as it was for us 35 years ago. Yes, the wait was long,(3+ yrs) but Children's Home Society and Catholic Charities cared, really cared about what was best for all involved. We continue our constant prayers for protection for S. She will never leave our thoughts and prayers.

    Love you

